Build your college experience

Collage makes getting through education effortless. Save time, effort, and energy when choosing classes, securing internships, and building your college network.

Made by college students, for college students

Backed by experience of trusted institutions and universities

Share course reviews and career insights and get guidance from your school community

Access on-demand AI advising for academic and career success

Instantly discover the classes you need to take and will actually get into

Our mission to you

With rising tuition and a competitive job market, making the most of college is more important than ever. Collage is designed to help students navigate the overwhelming and often painful process of choosing classes, securing internships, and joining clubs, providing AI-powered academic and career guidance while connecting students with experienced classmates and successful alumni.

Our mission is to make navigating your academic and career journey simple, stress-free, and social!

Go above and beyond with Collage Premium.



✔️ 3 AI Mentor chats

✔️ 3 AI Course Advisor chats

✔️ Unlimited access to basic AI Advisor

✔️ Personalized course recommendations based on your resume, transcript, and schedule

✔️ Standard class filtering

Go to Basic



Everything from Basic plus:

✔️ Unlimited AI Mentor chats trained on thousands of successful alumni profiles

✔️ Unlimited AI Course Advisor chats trained on your school's unique degree requirements

✔️ Advanced class filtering (7+ personalized filters)

Go to Premium

Your peers use Collage for a reason

“Collage made this year’s registration stress free for the first time in my 7 semesters recommended classes to me based on my interests so that I didn’t have to spend hours thumbing through the course catalog. My favorite part is I can see what my friends’ schedules look like!”

Annalee Miner

University of Michigan

Psychology ‘26

“As a freshman, I wasn’t sure what classes to take that would be helpful for my next three years. Collage helped me narrow down what classes to take based on what my peers had thought of them, as well as which school the class was a part of. The AI responses for each class made it easier to decide on what class to take.”

Jacob Kestenbaum

University of Michigan

Undecided ‘28

"Collage helped me learn about CS minor elective course options and ultimately decide on EECS 445. By matching me with classes that suit my interests, I was able to find the best option that’ll help me develop my SaaS startup!"

Kevin Toledo

University of Michigan

BBA '27